Battlefield 5 update: Fall release time confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One


    Battlefield 5 update: Fall release time confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One

    Battlefield 5 might be in its dotage now, with a sequel reportedly launching next year as a next-gen upgrade, but there’s still plenty going on for the community. The big chunky content expansions have ended, with EA focusing on providing new features and cosmetics for the game’s fans. And the next Battlefield 5 update launching this week is going to offer more of that for everyone across PS4, Xbox One and PC. EA has confirmed that the Battlefield 5 Fall Update has a release date scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2020.

    Like with past launches, there’s a chance that some platforms will receive the patch before others.

    However, the official Battlefield 5 update release time has been set for around 9am GMT by EA.

    For gamers in the United States, this will mean a new download landing at around 4am EDT on Tuesday.

    This week’s Fall update is set to introduce new Custom Game options for fans to enjoy across all platforms.

    The Community Games expansion will allow fans to tweak their game sessions even further, including for things like bullet damage respawn times for certain objects.

    And if you’re looking for inspiration, you’ll find some DICE Authored Game Configs inside the Community Games options that you can quickly launch, or tweak for yourself.

    New cosmetics and new elites to pick up, including Jonathan McNiel, and Siegfried Albrecht, which will both be available for Company Coin.

    More on the new patch release can be found below as part of this week’s statement from EA, which adds:

    “There are tonnes of new options that we’re stacking into the feature set for Community Games, many of which we’ve spoken about in the past.

    “Sometime after we’ve released the update tomorrow, you’ll be able to set yourself up with a custom named server that best reflects the style of Battlefield V that you want to play. Want to set up some Back to Basics?

    “Choose what weapon categories are available to deploy with. Need Self Heal off, and the Healing Supply gone to create more intense matches? Switch them both off. Want the Respawn rate increased on infantry and vehicles, and the Ticket Count and Round timers to be higher? Easily done.

    “If you’ve never used the feature before, you’ll find it in Play -> Multiplayer -> Create Community Game.

    “On the first occasion that you enter this menu, we’ll present you with some information about helping to keep Community Games a safe, and positive place to play Battlefield V (and if you ever see any servers not upholding those standards, be sure to report the server using the new in-game tool).”

    “Be sure to let us know your setups, and if you’re hosting a game this Friday, let us know over on Twitter using the #FridayNightBattlefield hashtag!

    “Alongside some additional changes and updates to the game, we’re also welcoming two new Elites to the roster – Jonathan McNiel, and Siegfried Albrecht.

    “Both will be automatically unlocked for owners of the Battlefield V Definitive Edition released last month, and otherwise available to unlock in the Armory using Company Coin.”

    Published at Tue, 17 Nov 2020 02:01:00 +0000


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