Baking soda – seven household uses for baking soda that improve your health


Mouth ulcers

Baking soda has been claimed to limit the pain of canker sores in the mouth.

Canker sores are small, painful ulcers. They don’t form on the lips and they aren’t contagious. But they can be unpleasant.

Simply rinse your mouth with a baking soda mouthwash to relieve the painful symptoms of canker sores.

Bad breath

Bad breath is caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth, and is often linked with gum disease.

A baking soda mouthwash inhibits bacterial growth as it increases the salivary pH.

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water, and swish it around your mouth as you would for any other mouthwash.

Published at Tue, 19 Jan 2021 07:00:00 +0000

Baking soda – seven household uses for baking soda that improve your health


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