Expats forced to return to UK after villa business disaster ‘Not ideal’


    Crunch time came with only a few hours to spare with a massive list to tick off; Craig admitted that he had not checked the list that ” the boss” gave him.

    After a year of hard graft, everything slotted into place just as the guests arrived, the extra eight-minute delay helped.

    “If I was going to give advice to anyone else doing this, and most people say this, double your budget, double your time.”

    Craig added: “I was going to say, in Spain, triple your budget, triple your time.”

    A New Life In The Sun airs weekdays at 4 pm on Channel 4.

    Published at Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:41:00 +0000

    Expats forced to return to UK after villa business disaster ‘Not ideal’


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