High blood pressure: Mung beans are high in protein and could help lower readings


High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. But you could lower your risk of developing hypertension by adding mung beans to your diet, it’s been claimed.

In a study published in BMC, a review of phytochemistry, metabolite changes and medicinal uses of the common mung bean and its sprouts was investigated.

The study noted: “The seeds and sprouts of mung bean (Vigna radiata), a common food, contain abundant nutrients with biological activities.

“With increasing clinical evidence suggesting that plant-derived foods have various potential health benefits, their consumption has been growing at a rate of five percent to 10 percent per year.

“The mung bean (Vigna radiata) has been consumed as a common food in China for more than 2,000 years. It is well known for its detoxification activities and is used to refresh mentality, alleviate heat stroke, and reduce swelling in the summer.

“High levels of proteins, amino acids, oligosaccharides, and polyphenols in mung beans are thought to be the main contributors to the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activities of this food and are involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism.

High blood pressure is often known as ‘the silent killer’, because symptoms only tend to reveal themselves if you have extremely high blood pressure.

The most common high blood pressure symptoms include a pounding in your chest, finding blood in your urine, and severe headaches.

It’s crucial that all adults over 40 years old check their blood pressure at least once every five years.

You can check your blood pressure by visiting your local doctors’ surgery or pharmacy.

Published at Fri, 26 Feb 2021 21:11:26 +0000

High blood pressure: Mung beans are high in protein and could help lower readings


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