How to live longer: Three teas shown to reduce cancer, heart attack and stroke risk


Rooibos tea

The tea, which is grown exclusively in the Western Cape province of South Africa, is not only delicious but boasts an array of health benefits helping to extend one’s longevity.

Rooibos tea’s health benefits include supporting a healthy heart, preventing cancer, managing and preventing diabetes, supporting healthy digestion, fighting inflammation, promoting stronger bones, supporting weight loss, slowing down the ageing process, treating blood pressure, supporting healthy skin, fighting dandruff and supporting kidney health.

The main nutritional benefit of rooibos tea lies in its rich antioxidant content and it being a source of some unique polyphenols, including aspalathin.

These protective plant compounds may help protect against the free radical damage that leads to conditions like diabetes, and potentially cancer.

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Published at Wed, 16 Jun 2021 07:17:00 +0000

How to live longer: Three teas shown to reduce cancer, heart attack and stroke risk


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