Meet Julio Tatis: National Director of Mister Global USA

Julio Tatis, the new national director of Mister Global USA
Julio Tatis, the new national director of Mister Global USA. Photo Courtesy of Miss Universe El Salvador.

Julio Tatis is the new national director of Mister Global USA. He chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

How does it feel to be the new national director of Mister Global USA?

To be the new national director of Mister Global USA is exhilarating. It has been one of the best opportunities that I have received in the last few years, because this is an open window to motivate the young generation to pursue to their dream and showcase their talent, intelligence, hard work and dedication around the globe not only in the USA. 

It also provides great access for others to experience for themselves incredible advocacy/passion projects of individuals from all across the country in a showcase of men’s platform that is growing in popularity.

The evolution of the dynamic of male pageantry in the United States and across the world is taking its rightful place. Whereas it was so misunderstood. Thought to be only a female focus platform. I am proud to be a part of the growth and the inclusion. 

What does your vision include for the future of that organization?

I noticed over the years as a pageant coach and consultant that there were lots of attention being paid to the women’s pageant, especially more recently regarding health and wellness- Mental health in particular. However, for the men’s pageant the overall need to address wellness and the idea of health or its theme into the male pageants has not caught on enough.

So for me, I believe this is one way of aligning and merging the beauty as well as the substance with the vision of the Mister Global USA brand. In doing so we are promoting and dismantling current stigmas associated with mental health, social work and giving back to the community.

Specifically, Mister Global USA will focus on our Empowerment Program which we have structured for the candidates once they arrive in Washington D.C for the competition. This program includes but not limited to the launch of our business symposium where we are inviting working professionals from across the country to share their entrepreneurial stories of failures and success. Don’t get me wrong.

We still do have the swimsuit, formalwear, physical challenge competition/category- So the fun and excitement is still there, however,  the Mister Global USA is also focusing on our community service and self-esteem building program for our candidates as well.

So our overall vision for the organization is for all of our Mister Global USA candidates to bring not only their bronze and brain but to have a positive impact in their various communities and to be exceptional leaders in the pageant community. Thus, through our Empowerment Program we would have provided them with the necessary tools.

What motivates you every day?

By profession, I am a Civil Engineer and Project Manager. I have been fortunate to work in an industry, especially where it involves multi-million dollar projects, and where budgets must be met and team building is key. 

Although the industry that I am in is inclusive of both men and women, I usually oversee more men on the project. So my everyday motivation comes from understanding what is most important to them, and everyone’s livelihood depends on it including mine. 

It is not a role I take lightly. So looking at the bigger picture has always been a deep motivation- Teamwork A small two letter word but at times require so much. I know that the opportunity I get each day to support, to teach and to learn from a group of professionals is inspiring. I share that exact same view with the Mister Global USA’s mission.

I enjoy helping others, and it allows me to continuously learn from others and grow with the expectations of a positive outcome. We cannot get enough of that.

How did it feel to serve as a judge at the inaugural Mister USA competition?

It was fun to serve as a judge for the inaugural Mister USA competition. It was fulfilling to support and assist a new male pageant system and to be apart of helping to get it up and running. It felt rewarding. The CEO, Jino Cabrera, trusted our expertise for the production including my business partner- So we were glad to do it and the candidates were exceptional individuals. 

I got the opportunity to meet 20 different professional men from some of the various states and listened to their stories and the challenges that some of them have been through. It gave me the vision of starting my platform with a different perspective and approach where we would be able to help them to achieve their dreams and become stronger leaders.

As for serving in other capacity, I usually work in the capacity of a pageant consultant and coordinator as I have done for systems including Miss USA and a few of the Miss Universe systems with their respective directors.

What do you love most about beauty pageants?

Nowadays, there are so many. You can pick choose and refuse. No one is left out. Isn’t that amazing!? And the thing I love the most about beauty pageants is the commitment they have to their community and the way they interact with each other. I have been involved with so many pageant in my life and they always create a family bond that will last forever and that’s something that I personally admire about pageantry. 

Were there any moments in the future that helped define you?

There isn’t one specific moment that I can say was defining in my life. I think it has been a combination of many different experiences and situations that have shaped who I am today. I was raised in a household that emphasized the importance of treating others with respect and compassion, and I think that has stayed with me. I also think that my own personal experiences – both good and bad – have taught me a lot about myself and what I am capable of in any situation.

How does it feel to be a part of the digital age? (Now with streaming, technology, and social media being so prevalent)

Honestly, living in a constantly evolving world where information and connection are basically immediately available at one touch is incredible, sometimes it goes out of the hands, but the entire world is moving and connecting people globally. I’m also happy to continue experiencing new things for the best of the organization. 

For pageantry, we are always trying to find new ways of keeping up with it, but the idea is to have work in beneficial way. Some people choose to use it to build, others to break down others, as for me, the Mister Global USA Organization will use it to advance our message about empowering of men, and to do so positively. 

What do your plans for the future include?

 I plan to continue my professional development in the pageantry industry by building and structuring a comprehensive program for the young generation where they can see themselves being useful to their community and their society, as well producing activities and programs where they can become strong leaders. I will continue pushing for opportunities for them to expand their careers and network within the industry.

What does the word success mean to you? (My favorite question)

Success is a personal journey, for me it’s being comfortable, proud and engaged in the community and the people around me, if I can leave this world by making an impact on just one single person, then I would have considered that a success. Remember when you are truly satisfied with who you are success does not depend on the perception of others. 

For more information on Julio Tatis, follow him on Instagram.

To learn more about Mister Global, follow its Instagram page.