Our Yorkshire Farm’s Amanda Owen shares Clive's hatred for beloved family member 'A demon'


    “Clive hates him. Or rather, he says he hates him, calls him a demon and blames him for every gap that appears in the drystone walls,” Amanda added.

    However, the mother-of-nine defended Little Joe as she said he has “supersonic” hearing and can hear his food coming from “a thousand paces”.

    Amanda’s husband would become frustrated with Little Joe as when he fed the other livestock, the horse would also want some.

    “Many times, Clive would return to the yard, red in the face, and announce that Little Joe’s days were numbered.”

    Published at Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:24:00 +0000

    Our Yorkshire Farm’s Amanda Owen shares Clive's hatred for beloved family member 'A demon'


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