Santa Tracker live 2020: Best Android, iPhone and TV apps to track Santa today


It’s finally Christmas Eve and in just a few hours Santa will be packing his sleigh full of gifts and making his way across the world bringing us some much-needed cheer. Of course, with the wonders of modern technology, it’s now possible to keep a close eye on Santa as he speeds from country to country which gives you time to get the mince pie ready and get yourself tucked up in bed and fast asleep before he drops down the chimney.

There are numerous ways to track the route and, along with usual smartphone apps, this year Sky has joined the party with a simple way of watching Santa on your telly.

So, if you want to keep watch of the reindeers, sleigh and the jolly red fellow then here are the best tracking apps.

Google Santa tracker

• Google Santa Tracker on the web HERE

It’s all change at Google this year with the search giant ditching its Android app and moving all of it tracking tech to the web instead. From this dedicated webpage, you can view his precise location along with watching how many pressies he has delivered and view a countdown clock to the big day itself.

Google has also included all the usual fun and games to keep the kids entertained whilst they wait for their pressies to arrive. Whizz through the website and you’ll find titles such as Build & Bolt, Present Bounce and Snowball Storm.

There’s also a digital canvas to help get creative and the Elf Maker lets you create your very own little helper. Finally, a Santa Selfie booth allows you give him a fun makeover and even shave his beard.

Norad Santa Tracker

Norad on the Apple Store here

• Norad on Google Play Store here

Just so the world can watch Santa the very nice people at NORAD, (that’s the North American Aerospace Defence Command), hand over their state-of-the-art satellites to offer a bit of Christmas help.

NORAD Tracks Santa is now in its 65th year and is still one of the most popular ways of watching the sleigh fly around the globe. Once download, the Norad app can log in and get a precise GPS location of Santa’s progress and show you exactly where the jolly fellow is.

And don’t panic if you haven’t got the latest smartphone or tablet as you can also watch all the action via the Norad Santa Tracker website. Both the app and website are packed full of games, videos and activities which should help to stop the kids asking, “how much longer ’til Christmas day?”

Published at Thu, 24 Dec 2020 06:35:00 +0000

Santa Tracker live 2020: Best Android, iPhone and TV apps to track Santa today


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