Tooth whitening: Hold your toothbrush ‘as if you’re holding a pen’ to help remove stains


Holding your toothbrush “like a pen” could help to lift stains when you brush, creating a whiter, brighter smile, a specialist has said.

Dentist Dr. Hanna Kinsella is the founder of Icy Bear Dental and Principal Dentist and Kiln Lane Dental, specialising in cosmetic dentistry and white smiles.

She has advised not “brushing teeth aggressively” as this could actually cause teeth to yellow faster.

Dr. Hanna told “Instead of brushing teeth aggressively with a hard grip – which can be a natural response – try to hold your toothbrush at the very end and use a grip as if you’re holding a pen.

“This will reduce pressure to the brush and the teeth, therefore protecting them from damage.

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It is also possible to whiten your teeth at home with some everyday, natural products. 

Strawberries in particular are good for naturally whitening the teeth, according to Dr. Hanna.

“Strawberries contain malic acid which is actually a natural tooth whitener,” she said.

Malic acid is found in a number of fruits. These include apricots, blackberries, blueberries, grapes, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, and sour apples.

Published at Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:01:00 +0000

Tooth whitening: Hold your toothbrush ‘as if you’re holding a pen’ to help remove stains


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