Wordle words: The four best starting words to become a ‘Wordle Master’ – expert tips


    Because everyone is guessing the same word each day, it can get competitive as people attempt to crack the puzzle in fewer goes than their friends.

    If you want to beat your friends and improve your scores, look no further than these tips from language experts at Busuu, a language learning app.

    Busuu’s expert linguists have analysed the best words to beat Wordle in as few attempts as possible.

    The experts highlighted the most common consonants in English are T, N, S, R, H, L, D and C, while E is the most common of the vowels.

    Published at Tue, 08 Feb 2022 16:20:00 +0000

    Wordle words: The four best starting words to become a ‘Wordle Master’ – expert tips


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