Chatting with Ely Cohen: Online Fitness Coach

Online fitness coach Ely Cohen
Online fitness coach Ely Cohen. Photo Courtesy of Ely Cohen

Ely Cohen chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about being an online fitness coach in the digital age, and the importance of mental health.

Based in Miami Beach, Florida, Cohen shared that each day, he is motivated primarily by “discipline.”

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Ely Cohen.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, he said, “It’s fun. Honestly, I started as a personal trainer, and I was shifting my business online because I wanted to be more available for people. I thought that my clients would need me more than two hours a week, so that’s why I shifted my business on the Internet.”

Mental health in the digital age

Cohen underscored the significance of metal health, especially in this digital age. “Mental health is huge,” he said. “I feel there is a strong correlation between fitness and mental health. Especially people that struggle with mental health, one of the best ways to solve that is by getting into fitness, exercising a little bit more, and going to the gym.”

“Be active, don’t stay in front of the screen the whole day. That is the best mental health tip that I can give. I’m sure a lot of people can agree with me,” he said.

Online fitness coach Ely Cohen
Online fitness coach Ely Cohen. Photo Courtesy of Ely Cohen

The benefits of walking

“Every situation where you are moving your body is an exercise,” he said. “A real workout is when you go to the park or the gym, and you work with resistance for one hour. Daily steps are something that should be a part of your routine, whether you are exercising or not.”

“I was starting as a calisthenics athlete, and then I built my strength and my size with additional extra weights. I started everything with calisthenics. A good tip is to start your fitness journey with your own body weight. Once you master that, you can start to explore a little bit more complicated exercises with weights,” he said.

Online fitness coach Ely Cohen
Online fitness coach Ely Cohen. Photo Courtesy of Ely Cohen

New Year’s resolutions for 2024

His New Year’s resolutions for 2024 are to “get better, to grow his business, to help other people.” “When I help a lot of people, it is just as rewarding from a moral standpoint as it is financially,” he said. “I am very satisfied and happy when I make a positive difference in their lives.”

Future plans

Regarding his future plans, he said, “To grow this business as much as I can. To keep doing what I love, and to make a positive impact on the lives of people. Hopefully, to make a lot of money.”

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Cohen said, “Hustling.” “I’m working really hard on my clients and my business,” he said. “I want to provide good services and to give them good content. My social media has grown substantially over the last six months.”

Being shaped by his service in the military

When asked about his career-defining moments, he said, “My services in the military definitely helped me for the better. It built my character a lot and it helped me with mental toughness. I did 4.5 years in the military. Overall, it built me as a man.”

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, it would be “to see the future.” “It’s a dangerous superpower, but it could be cool and useful,” he said.

If he were to do any track and field event, he noted that he would run the marathon.


Regarding his definition of the word success, Cohen said, “To be a person that people admire; a role model in every aspect. I try to be a role model to my clients with my fitness.”

To learn more about online fitness coach Ely Cohen, follow him on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.