Catching up with Josh Seiter: Easter festivities, going viral, future plans

Josh Seiter
Josh Seiter. Photo Courtesy of Josh Seiter

Reality TV star Josh Seiter chatted about his Easter festivities, going viral, and he shared some of his future plans.

“My Easter was great,” he said about his Easter festivities. “I spent it on the road but I love driving and it was beautiful weather in Illinois. I had my windows and moonroof down and spent the drive just thinking about life and appreciating everyone I have around me. I really feel like sometimes we need a day where it’s just us and the open road, and Easter was that day for me,” he elaborated.

In the past couple of weeks, things have been crazy for the reality TV star. Seiter went viral and it resulted in him being featured in hundreds of tabloids and gossip websites. He was in “The Sun” every day last week as well as “In Touch” and the “Mirror.” He is always appreciative of the attention since his career depends on people following and talking about him.

“A few times I went to Google something and the featured article underneath the search tool was of myself, which I found pretty cool. But at the end of the day celebrity is fleeting. I try hard not to hinge my happiness on fame or money. I think that’s a recipe for disappointment,” he explained. 

He feels that the constant interest in him is because of the things he says and does. “I tend to do things nobody expects, or say things people find bizarre and unorthodox,” he admitted. “I think being a gadfly and sticking out is one way to guarantee you’ll be noticed and talked about, and I guess I’ve kind of perfected that.” 

This spring, Seiter will continue headlining the “America’s Loverboys” National Tour. “I have two sold out shows this weekend in Iowa and Minnesota and a full schedule in May,” he said.

“I’m very grateful to still be headlining sold-out shows every weekend at my age,” he acknowledged. “I’m a dinosaur in the dancing world at 35, so it’s a good feeling and keeps me feeling young.”

To learn more about Josh Seiter, follow him on Instagram.