Interview: Jared Steen finds his passion in performing

Australian entertainer Jared Steen
Australian entertainer Jared Steen. Photo Credit: Lucy Ferguson

Australian entertainer Jared Steen of Magic Men Australia finds his passion in performing. He chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

American author, speaker, and leader John C. Maxwell once said: “Dreams don’t work  unless you do.” This quote applies to Jared Steen.

On being a part of Magic Men, he said, “Honestly, it is something that I am proud to brag about. It is definitely something that I look forward to every weekend.”

Steen is a dual citizen of both Australia and Great Britain. “I’m Australian, but I have a bit of a twang in my voice,” he said.

He had great words about working with Will Parfitt (world-renowned Channing Tatum doppelgänger), Carlos, and Jeff Conelius. “I had the good fortune of meeting Will Parfitt twice. Carlos is great, he is full of compliments, and he sets a great example. Jeff is like the step-brother I never had or the cousin that I needed in life,” he said.

Regarding his daily motivations, he shared, “Performing has opened my eyes to a whole new world and a different dynamic. It has provided me with a different outlook on life. The smiles on people’s faces, and the money at the end, they both go hand in hand. I love hyping the crowd up every night.”

He opened up about being an entertainer in the digital age. “I think the digital age is very beneficial in making money, of course. It has revolutionized advertising and it has made everything fast. It is all about accessibility. Speed is success.”

On his plans for the future, Steen said, “Personally, I want to work more on the real estate side of things, and with Magic Men

When asked about his career-defining moments, Steen shared, “Moving out of hospitality and into a fulltime job. My weekends were free so I had to fill them up with something, I couldn’t just drink constantly.”

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Steen revealed, “The Resurgence.”

If he were to do any track and field event, he noted that he would “probably do sprinting.” “I would run the 100 meters dash,” he said. “I would at least built muscle from the explosiveness and I would get some cardio in.”

Regarding his definition of the word success, he said, “setting my own work schedule.”

For his Magic Men Australia fans and supporters, Steen said, “I miss them, I hope they come back and see me again. I didn’t know I had a talent for it until I started.”

Rapid Fire Questions

Waffles or pancakes? Protein pancakes
Flying or driving? Flying
City living or country living? City living
Summer or winter? Summer
Library or museum? Museum
Bath or shower? Shower
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
Texting or calling? Texting
Half-full or half-empty? Half-full
Curly fries or normal fries? Normal fries
Skydiving or scuba diving? Scuba diving
Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Outdoor pool… with a swim-up bar
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Rain or snow? Snow
Burgers or tacos? Burgers for sure
Long course or short course? Short course pool

Singing or dancing? Dancing

Money or fame? Money

To learn more about Jared Steen, follow him on Instagram.

For more information on Magic Men Australia, check out their Instagram page.