Interview: Joe Phair finds his passion in running and coaching

Fitness coach Joe Phair
Fitness coach Joe Phair. Photo Credit: About This Photography

Online fitness coach and social influencer Joe Phair chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

Olympic gold medalist and world champion swimmer Michael Phelps once said: “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” This quote applies to Joe Phair.

“I served six years in the military, with active duty in the navy. I got into fitness through my own personal fitness, and I would help others get ready for the physical tests of the navy,” he said.

“I helped people get in shape for those, and that passion led me to start coaching once I got out,” he added.

The digital age

“Technology is a very powerful tool, or it can be,” he said about the digital age. “This is the most information that humans have ever had that is this accessible so it’s really important to have trusted sources. Use your own intuition and take everything with a grain of salt because everything will have personal bias depending on the source, so it is important to forms your own opinions, especially with so much information being pushed by so many people.”

“It has been a powerful tool for me for social media. It’s amazing to have a social platform through Instagram and other platforms. I’ve been able to fulfill my purpose and step into that purpose and coach others and document my journey. I have been able to connect with others along the way and it has been truly amazing,” he said.


“I first got into running because I was inspired by others,” he admitted. “I always liked to run as a kid but I never signed up for any races, which I am pursuing now. Two short years ago I wasn’t running at all. Then, I took it seriously and I hired a coach, I started to make progress and I found out what a powerful tool that running can be not only physically but also psychologically. It is a great way to move your body, get the blood flowing, and accomplish goals. It really keeps you in line with where you want to go.”

“Running allows me to push my body and do hard things,” he said. “Now, running has become a habit so I just keep creating great habits that propel me forward in life, and I hold myself accountable.”

If he were to do any track and field event, it would be the 400 meter dash. “It’s the ‘man’s race.’ I would lean into that, and I would try to get really good at it,” he said.

Future plans

On his future plans, he said, “This journey is pretty new to me. I have been creating content for a year now. I plan to continue to grow in order to reach more people. I want to continue to coach, inspire others to move, and create good habits. My ultimate goal is to help more people.”

Cold Plunge

He shared that the Cold Plunge has been going well for him. “I find that the Cold Plunge is so helpful for a momentum booster just like my morning run. It’s like overcoming difficult things, and it has other studied benefits for recovery and mental benefits as well,” he said.

“All the showers I take are cold unless they are right before bed. Then, they would be warm and comforting,” he said.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Phair said, “It’s Only the Beginning.” “This is just the beginning of my journey, I have so much to look forward to,” he acknowledged.

Phair noted that it was the adverse times that have helped mold him into the individual that he is today. “Adversity really does make us stronger,” he said.

He listed the combat sidestroke as his personal favorite stroke in swimming, which he learned from his days in the Navy. “It’s a very efficient stroke and I’ve gotten good at it,” he said. “You can use this stroke to save people in the water.”


Phair defined the word success as “being comfortable in the journey, and comfortable with the steps that you are currently taking forward.”

For his followers and supporters, he said, “I am so honored that people care enough about what I have to say. Integrity means a lot to me and I think I have an important message and value to share with people. I am just so thankful, it’s incredible.”

To learn more about Joe Phair, follow him on Instagram, and visit his official homepage.