Meet Tom Ierna: The Man Behind the Scenes

Tom Ierna
Tom Ierna. Photo Courtesy of Tom Ierna

Tom Ierna chatted about his talent management and social media company with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest venture.

What inspired you to start your own talent management and social media company?

I have always been very entrepreneurial and creative. I was working in the industry for several years prior to starting my own company and it just got to a point where it made sense to go off and build something of my own. I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and I actually had my own beaded bracelet company before starting Thomas Christian Mgmt. I didn’t know this would be the business I was going to start, it kind of fell into my lap. 

How does it feel to be a talent manager in the digital age? (Now with streaming and technology being so prevalent)

This time is definitely exciting. There are a lot more projects to work on and fun opportunities that always come up. Things move very quickly and with social media there is now an over-saturated market of influencers and celebrities so it’s important to always keep my clients relevant in the media and on social media. 

What do your plans for the future include?

My plans for the future would be to grow my current business and I would love to get involved with more of the behind the scenes with movies and tv shows. Probably casting because I have always been very good at detecting if someone has those star qualities. I am also starting a home accessorizing business and I would love to get involved with real estate in some capacity.  

What are some of your proudest professional moments as a talent manager?

I have a lot of proud moments but the majority of my clients are very charitable and love to help others so being able to amplify that message or assist with that is the best part of my job. I think if you have a platform and don’t use it in a way to give back and help others you don’t deserve to have it. 

What is your advice for young and aspiring people that want to go into talent management in the entertainment business?

You have to start small and build your way up. It’s not easy and it’s a 24/7 commitment. Sometimes I feel like my life is the Devil Wears Prada but what’s nice is at the end of the day I own the business. Hard work and dedication pay off.  

What does the word success mean to you? (My favorite question)

The word success means happiness and fulfillment. I know a lot of people who have big careers and large sums of money in the bank but they are not happy. If you are happy and fulfilled you are successful in my book. Life is for living. 

To learn more about his talent management and social media company, check out his official website, and follow him on Instagram.


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