Op-Ed: Josh Seiter has one of the most-viewed social media pages in the globe in 2024

Josh Seiter
Josh Seiter. Photo Courtesy of Josh Seiter.

“The Bachelorette” alum, reality star, and social influencer Josh Seiter has many reasons to celebrate. His Instagram page is one of the most-viewed social media pages worldwide in 2024, and rightfully so.

As a result, Seiter has felt a great sense of accomplishment going from a small social media presence to one of the largest in the world this year. Starting out his videos with “Hi, everyone,” Seiter surely went viral, and the social experience he conducted propelled him to a new level of virtual fame, where he was able to reach a wider audience, including JK Rowling.

Seiter has accumulated nearly 300 million views on his own social media pages, and over 500 million (half a billion) views given the thousands of creators that have reposted his content. “I never thought my social experiment would garner this much interest, but it has been really cool to watch,” he noted. 

Seiter admitted that he has zero regrets about what he did with his social experiment. He believes that he “exposed a cult and opened people’s eyes to the absurdity of men invading women’s spaces.” He subsequently feels like he is on “the right side of history.”

“Blackface isn’t ok, and womanface isn’t either. It certainly isn’t something that should be celebrated,” Seiter recalled.

An outspoken mental health advocate, Seiter is a firm believer that mental illness is a serious issue, and it should be treated… not indulged and encouraged. 

Photo Courtesy of Josh Seiter.

Seiter discussed the outcome of his social experience (where he pretended to be transgender) and it was what he had hoped for: a dialogue was opened around a very important issue that affects us and future generations, including our children.

“Encouraging dialogue and discussion can only ever be a good thing, it can never be a bad thing. I understand there are millions of people who hate me or may disagree with my stance on this issue, but that doesn’t negate or obviate what I accomplished with my experiment,” he explained.

Seiter is proud of the great connections he made in 2024, these include JK Rowling, Tim Pool, Scott Pressler, Amber Rose, Brett Cooper, Sall Grover, Tristan Tate, and Megyn Kelly, just to name a few.

Being famous on the Internet has definitely opened a lot of doors, and the fact that Seiter have a law degree (JD) has allowed him to get through a number of other doors that other influencers haven’t been able to breach. 

Seiter was candid about the 2024 presidential election results. While he is not the biggest fan of Trump, he feels that given the alternative, the country is better off. “The Left has chilled free speech so much over the last few decades and have done a lot of damage to our civil liberties in recent years,” he said.

“We really are living in Orwellian times where the thought police are constantly peering over our shoulders. Up means down and down means up, and words and language have lost all meaning. It is a very dangerous world to be living in. If Kamala Harris had been elected, it would have been a continuation of this myopic political ethos of limiting and policing citizen’s thoughts and speech,” he elaborated.

His plans for 2025 are to do more appearances on podcasts, as well as conversative media outlets.

Seiter’s New Year’s resolution for 2025 is for American to “remain a country where freedom of speech and thought are respected.”

According to his Instagram page, Seiter states that he is “gender-fluid and non-binary.” “These simply mean the person is confused. I use those terms to show how absurd and ridiculous they are. Like trans, it’s simply another way of stating they are a man with mental illness,” he clarified. 

For his fans and haters, Seiter expressed his gratitude in making him one of the most popular public figures on the Internet. To quote Josh Seiter, “Bye, everyone!”

To learn more about Josh Seiter, follow him on Instagram.