Review: City of Sound performs a high-adrenaline DreamHack Concert in San Diego

City of Sound performing live
City of Sound performing live. Photo Courtesy of City of Sound

City of Sound performed a high-octane and fun DreamHack Concert in San Diego, California. Jordan Wright proves to be one of the most charismatic front-men in contemporary live rock music.

Aside from Jordan Wright on the lead vocals and the keyboard, City of Sound is made up of Andrew Leigh on the lead guitar, and Lacey Nova, who was exquisite on the violin, and Eva on the drums.

Wright thanks their dedicated fans for being their “life force,” and he expressed that they could not do it without them. Their set included such vivacious tunes as “Andromeda” and “Race to the Sea,” which is one of this journalist’s all-time favorite City of Sound songs.

“How is everybody doing tonight?” Wright asked. “Are we good to roll? I need all the hands up because this will hit you right in the heart and now it’s time to set your heart free,” he said, prior to belting out “God’s Acre.”

The inclusion of their latest single “Lost Valley” in their set was an added treat.

Jordan Wright emerged as a young Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridges (when he was in the film “Rock Star”) meets Jared Leto coupled with the expressive, resonant vocals of Chris Daughtry. He commanded the stage well, and even jumped into the crowd and interacted with the audience while performing live. The entire band is very gifted and talented.

Their entire dynamic and upbeat live performance may be seen below.

This concert is escapism to watch, and it has a retro vibe to it, where City of Sound can soothe and pacify their audience and put them in a dream state. Their music is raw, authentic, and refreshing.

To learn more about City of Sound and their music, check out their Facebook page and website, and follow them on Instagram.