Chatting with Gigi Meyer Pruett: CEO of GFIT and fitness coach

Gigi Meyer Pruett
Gigi Meyer Pruett. Photo Courtesy of Gigi Meyer Pruett

Gigi Meyer Pruett is a woman of many talented. She is the CEO of GFIT, as well as a fitness coach and digital content creator. She chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about her latest endeavors, the digital age, and holistic success.

Legendary comedian Groucho Marx once said: “Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.” This quote applies to Gigi Meyer Pruett, who is the wife of athlete, fitness professional, and social influencer Brian Pruett.

Gigi Meyer Pruett is a former collegiate volleyball player and former professional wakeboarder. Presently, she is coaching women online to achieve their true potential in their fitness & health.

Being an athlete her whole life made it natural for her to master the fitness and nutrition components of health. Her iconic father, Coach Urban Meyer, has had a major influence on the culture she has created around her program.

She created “The GFIT 4-Phase Method” back in January of 2020, which helps people transform their minds, bodies, and lives. “Growing up, as an athlete, fitness, and nutrition have been a priority to me, so I played college volleyball and I became a wakeboarder for a couple of years after that,” she said.

“After that, my body was tired and I was looking for career opportunities. My sister runs a wellness business in Ohio, and I took the opportunity to become a health coach for her. That’s when Brian got a job for Pfizer in the same week, it was totally meant to be. I fell in love with coaching and helping people with fitness and their health,” she elaborated.

“Then I went back home to Florida, and I met one of my father’s former football players, who had started an online business and he basically, helped me build it from the ground up. The rest is history and it has been incredible,” she added.

Her biggest passions are family, fitness, faith, food, and life. She is on a mission to help as many people as she can live the life they are truly meant to be living… both mentally and physically.

Daily motivations

On her daily motivations as a fitness coach, she said, “Purpose for sure. That purpose over time has changed. Initially, it started on a superficial level, but then I learned to have a deeper purpose. These days, it is about being my healthiest, best, physically capable self so that I can be healthy for my family.”

“Now, my purpose, with a baby on the way, is to be healthy for my baby girl, and I want to live my life without any limitations. Life is a gift, and I need to take care of myself to not miss out on a lot of things. That’s what motivates me, and I want to do things for others too,” she added.

The digital age

On being a digital content creator in the digital age, she acknowledged, “It is a double-edged sword. It’s a journey to finding that balance and finding ways to make it a very powerful tool individually and on a bigger platform. It’s all about how you use social media. If you use it for good, you can do great things.”

“Now, I really enjoy it because I get the opportunity to connect with people and help them in a more impactful way. You need to find how you are contributing to yourself and to those around you,” she added.

Advice for hopefuls

For young and aspiring fitness professionals, she said, “You need to have a story of your own, that’s the most powerful thing. A story that relates to people. You need to experiment and see what works for you. Learn about what is important to know.”

“Thanks to my story, I am now able to help a lot of people,” she said. “Once you have that story, just start helping people, do it for free to get some experience under your belt and get people working with you, and potentially get some testimonials. You need to start somewhere.”

A baby on the way

In her personal life, she revealed that she and her husband, Brian, are expecting their first child, a daughter in the spring of 2023. “I’ve had so many emotions, from being really excited to being nervous,” she said. “I have to give the most credit to Brian, who has seen me through everything I’ve gone through. Brian is the best partner I could ever ask for.”

She noted that it was the adverse times in her life and journey that have molded her and helped make her stronger. “These moments have taught me to have a more healthy balance for myself, and now I can become a better coach, a better business owner, a better leader, a better wife, and one day, a better mom,” she said.

On the title of the current chapter of her life, Meyer Pruett said, “Up-and-coming Fitness Mama.”

If she weren’t in fitness, she would be a “psychologist” as her alternate career choice. “I would be a counselor or a psychologist. A lot of coaching is psychology and life coaching, you need to be an expert in nutrition and fitness. You need to help people breathe through some mental limitations that are holding them back from becoming who they are meant to be. You essentially help them find the answers themselves,” she said.

“Psychology is like an art, it’s beautiful. When it is done well, you can truly help people which helps them long-term. I enjoy the psychology behind coaching and conversations,” she added.

If she were to have any superpower, it would be to “read people’s minds.” “If I could read people’s minds I would be able to give them answers way quicker,” she said with a sweet laugh.


On her definition of the word success, Pruett said, “I think success is ever-evolving. It is constant progress towards becoming the better version of yourself. You can always become a better you in all realms: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Don’t quit and constantly work on yourself and become better, one percent at a time.”

To learn more about Gigi Meyer Pruett, follow her on Instagram.