Interview: Australian-based performer Leo opens up

Australian-based performer Leo
Australian-based performer Leo. Photo Courtesy of Leo

Italian-born and Australian-based performer Leo chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors. He opened up about his background in martial arts, joining the Army and performing in Melbourne, Australia.

“The important thing in life is not victory but combat; it is not to have vanquished but to have fought well,” French educator Pierre de Coubertin, said. Leo is such an individual. 

Leo has been a part of the Magic Men Australia family for the past 4.5 years. “I have been with them for a long time, and I have been in Melbourne for seven years,” he said. “I come from Italy from the island of Sardinia.”

On his daily inspirations as a performer, he said, “The most beautiful part is when you make other people happy. When you see people smiling and laughing there is no amount of money that can replace that. People having the best time, and making them feel special, makes me happy. For me, it is not about the money, it is knowing that people have the best time. It’s a celebration of life.”

For young and aspiring performers, he said, “Be humble and genuine. Don’t be cocky. Smile and treat everybody the same. Put them in a group and make everyone feel special. Put on a smile and enjoy your time.”

Leo had great words about all of his fellow Magic Men Australia performers in Melbourne. “We love each other,” he said. “The guys are like family to me, and we all improve together. We’ve never had any problems or fights. We were born to be brothers. There is no jealousy among us, and we help each other all the time.”

Most recently, he revealed that he was made a citizen of Melbourne, Australia, and he would love to become a police officer. “I just love uniforms,” he admitted. “I was in the Italian Army for two years. I was in the Special Forces Paratroopers.”

A proud professional moment was working as a security guard for a major venue in Melbourne.

If he were to have any superpower, he revealed that it would be “time travel.” “I would go back in time, and I would learn from the mistakes that I made in life,” he explained.

When  asked what track and field event he would  do, he noted that he would do “running.”

He listed the freestyle as his personal favorite stroke in the sport of swimming.

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Leo said, “New Beginnings.”

In his spare time, he enjoys riding his motorcycle, going to the gym, and kickboxing as his hobbies.

Regarding his definition of the word success, he said, “When you have a good job and you also have a partner that loves and respects you. “

Leo concluded by thanking the Magic Men Australia fans for all of their support.

He also took some time to answer some “Rapid Fire Questions.”

Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes
Flying or driving? Driving

City living or country living? City life if you are single, if you are in a relationship then country living
Summer or winter? Summer
Library or museum? Museum
Bath or shower? Shower
Pepsi or Coca Cola? Coca Cola
Texting or calling? Calling
Half-full or half-empty? Half-full
Curly fries or normal fries? Normal fries
Skydiving or scuba diving? Both
Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Indoor pool in the winter, outdoor pool in the summer
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Rain or snow? Snow
Singing or dancing? Dancing Burgers or tacos? Tacos
Money or fame? Money

To learn more about Australian-based performer Leo, follow him on Instagram.

For more information on Magic Men Australia, check out their website.