Meet Jeff Conelius: Dancer and performer of ‘Magic Men Australia’

Jeff Conelius
Jeff Conelius. Photo Courtesy of Magic Men Australia

Australian performer and dancer Jeff Conelius (Magic Men Australia) spoke with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

Byron Pulsifer once said: “Imagine, dream, and believe in yourself. With determination and belief, you will be surprised at what you accomplish.” This quote applies to Jeff Conelius.

He shared that he has been with them for the last six months. “I joined over from another team, and it seemed obvious to jump on board with Magic Men,” he admitted.

On performing for Magic Men Australia, he said, “Magic Men Australia have a good energy to them. While most performers start off as waiters, I went straight into dancing, where I perform solo acts. It has been great.”

Conelius had great words about the veteran and popular Magic Men Australia performers Will Parfitt and Ceaser Smith. ” Ceaser has always been great, and Will is very humble. They are both unique in their own ways, and they have personalities,” he said.

Regarding his daily motivations, he said, “Knowing how good it feels when we are on stage. I have to train every week, I have to stretch, and go over my dance routine to keep on going. I’m motivated by health and fitness, and I like the lifestyle of it.”

“My motivation is intrinsic and wanting to be on stage, and hearing the cheers from the audience,” he said.

For young and aspiring dancers and performers, he said, “For this specific industry, just stay humble. Don’t let it get to your head. Don’t ever think that you are the best because every person is unique in their own way. All of the guys get along and we use each other as motivation. It is one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.”

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said with a sweet laugh, “Hollywood.”

He opened up about being a performer in the digital age, especially now with technology, social media, and streaming being so prevalent. “Social media can be a big help,” he admitted.

Aside from performing with Magic Men Australia, he also works in construction for a company that does music productions. “We help build sets for movies,” he said.

Conelius listed the freestyle as his personal favorite stroke in swimming, and in track and field, he noted that he would run the short-distance running such as sprints. “I was a fast runner in school,” he recalled.

If he were to have any superpower, he revealed that it would be “to fly.” “I’ve always loved flying. I’ve done skydiving a few times,” he said.

On his definition of the word success, he said, “Success to me is beating adversities, and getting the things you want. Success is overcoming adversity and obstacles, and getting the lifestyle that you want.”

For his fans and supporters, Conelius said, “Thanks for all of the love and support. If it weren’t for our audiences, we wouldn’t be doing our shows. Their support has been great.”

To learn more about Magic Men Australia,  check out their official website.

For more information on Jeff Conelius, follow him on Instagram.

Conelius also took some time to answer a few “Rapid Fire” questions.

Waffles or pancakes? Waffles
Flying or driving? Driving
City living or country living? City living though I do like the occasional trip to the country
Summer or winter? Winter
Library or museum? Museum
Bath or shower? Shower
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
Texting or calling? Texting
Half-full or half-empty? Half-full
Curly fries or normal fries? Curly fries
Skydiving or scuba diving? Skydiving
Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Outdoor pool
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Rain or snow? Snow
Singing or dancing? Dancing
Burgers or tacos? Tacos
Long course or short course? Long course
Money or fame? Money


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