Meet Louis Phillips: Australian athlete and social influencer

Louis Phillips
Louis Phillips. Photo Credit: Chase McMillan

Australian athlete and social influencer Louis Phillips chatted with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his love for running and his latest endeavors.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Louis Phillips.

When asked how he got into running, he said, “I have been into fitness my whole life. I was a very active child in school and fitness was always my outlet. I made it my job in the last couple of years when I started a business, and that has been going really well. Recently, I went off onto my own route, especially in regard to the running and that has hit a mark and it has been incredible. That has been my fitness journey.”

“I also run a podcast, and when my guests share my posts, it benefits everyone and we all keep growing,” he added.

On being an athlete and social influencer in the digital age, now with technology and streaming being so prevalent, he said, “It’s certainly exciting but it comes with a lot of unknowns as well. It’s a genuine privilege. The best part is the impact in regard to the content that I post, especially when people message me back that I have inspired them.”

“Becoming more vulnerable and transparent on social media has helped me a whole lot,” he added.

For young and aspiring athletes and content creators, he said, “It’s about being relentless. You need to keep going out and don’t be concerned what people think. I need to continuously remind myself of that, and then the other thing is posting relentlessly. You need to post so much to be able to make a difference. Step out of your skin and be relentless with your posting.”

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Phillips said, “Building.” “I am trying to grow and build,” he said. “From a career perspective, I’m not satisfied with where I am and I’ve got a long way to go. I have exciting things coming up this year that I will capitalize on. I feel like my career is in its infancy, I have a long way to go.”

If he were to do any track and field event, he noted that he would run the 100 meter 200 meter sprint. He listed the breaststroke as his personal favorite stroke in swimming. “I’m not the fastest swimmer so I am probably quickest in the breaststroke,” he said.

Phillips defined the word success as “how much impact he is having on people.”

Rapid Fire Questions

Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes

Flying or driving? Driving

City living or country living? Country living

Summer or winter? Summer

Library or museum? Museum

Bath or shower? Shower

Pepsi or Coke? Coke, for sure

Texting or calling? Texting

Half-full or half-empty? Half-full

Curly fries or normal fries? Normal fries

Skydiving or scuba diving? Scuba diving

Tea or coffee? Coffee

Rain or snow? Snow

Burgers or Tacos? Burgers

Singing or dancing? Singing

Long course or short course? Long course

Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Outdoor pool

Money or fame? Money

To learn more about Australian athlete and social influencer Louis Phillips, follow him on Instagram.