Dr Hilary Jones angers GMB fans by calling Sarah Everard’s vigil a ‘super-spreader’ event


    Elsewhere on today’s show, Dr Hilary responded to concerns over the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine. 

    He said: “It is extraordinary because whilst those individual countries and their regulatory bodies are saying, ‘Let’s just pause and have a precautionary look at the data.’

    “Other people, all the clinical trials, the European Medicines Agency, our own MHRA, the WHO, 17 million people who’ve been vaccinated in Europe and in the UK, all the data shows there’s no causal link that these blood clots are related to the vaccination. 

    “And when you look at what Germany and Italy have decided to do these are countries that have massive problems with Covid-19 third wave coming on.”

    Good Morning Britain airs on ITV on weekdays at 6am.

    Published at Tue, 16 Mar 2021 09:46:00 +0000

    Dr Hilary Jones angers GMB fans by calling Sarah Everard’s vigil a ‘super-spreader’ event


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