Cyberpunk update 1.2 PATCH NOTES: Delayed CD Projekt download makes big changes


    Cyberpunk 2077 fans can download a big new update, as version 1.2 finally gets a release on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

    Originally pencilled in for a late February launch, CD Projekt delayed update 1.2 due to a real-life cyber attack.

    After a few weeks of silence, CD Projekt has finally detailed the contents of the new update, which makes crucial changes on console and PC.

    According to the update 1.2 patch notes, the download addresses the behaviour of the police within the game.

    Previously, police would instantly appear out of nowhere when players committed a crime in Night City.

    As you can see from the video below, the update fixes the problem: “It should decrease the problem of NPCs spawning behind players’ backs and create an impression that it takes some time for the police to arrive at the crime scene after the crime has been reported.

    “We’ve also added a recon “drone” unit to create the feeling of the police assessing the situation.”

    Steering issues will also be addressed in update 1.2, which adds a sensitivity slider to the Options menu.

    “Analysing feedback on our driving model suggested a lot of players were having issues with the speed of the steering,” CD Projekt continues.

    “Most complaints came from players using keyboards on PC or were on platforms with lower frame rates, and centered around how hard it was to keep cars off the sidewalks and such.

    “We have added a Steering Sensitivity slider to the Options menu. This allows the steering speed for all vehicles and all input devices to be slowed down, without affecting the maximum turn radius.

    “When experiencing lower frame rates, our cars were harder to control. We traced this to some code that wasn’t handling extreme changes in frame rate properly. The steering speed is now very consistent from 20 to 60+ FPS.”

    Speaking of vehicles, CD Projekt has added the ability to get unstuck when driving and crashing into obstacles. 

    The new Unstuck feature automatically kicks in when you are accelerating and not moving. 

    “While holding down the accelerator, you can now rock the vehicle forward or back, or rotate it left/right.”

    Elsewhere, players can turn off dodge on double-tapping a movement key in the Controls settings.

    “The Dodge action can still be performed by double-tapping the Crouch(toggle) action key (default C).

    “It should now be more feasible to move WASD bindings around the keyboard. There still remain a few bindings that need to be addressed, but these should be fixed in upcoming patches.”

    Full patch notes will follow soon. Express Online will post the complete update 1.2 patch notes when available.

    Published at Fri, 19 Mar 2021 23:33:00 +0000

    Cyberpunk update 1.2 PATCH NOTES: Delayed CD Projekt download makes big changes


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