Elvis Presley: Surprising contents inside The Jungle Room’s treasure chests at Graceland


    As for why the items haven’t been removed in almost 40 years, Angie said it’s so the items that Elvis once owned didn’t lose their authenticity.

    As for what was found inside The Jungle Room treasure chests, the contents were surprisingly what you’d expect from a regular household rather than that of a megastar.

    There were wires, a lightbulb, old batteries and a mystery padlock. Although, not all the contents of the drawers inside Graceland are so ordinary.

    By the kitchen is a secret drawer featuring a 1993 phone book that was used by Elvis’ Aunt Delta, who continued to live at Graceland until her death that year.

    Published at Tue, 11 May 2021 16:16:00 +0000

    Elvis Presley: Surprising contents inside The Jungle Room’s treasure chests at Graceland


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