‘What the f**k are you doing?’ Jeremy Clarkson's girlfriend loses it over farm mess


    “In essence I am going to leave chunks of the farm completely alone, I’m going to put Mother Nature in the driving seat – it’s a process called Wilding – and I’m going to begin in a rather boggy and sad place at the bottom of a valley, which I want to look eventually like this,” Jeremy said holding up an animated image.

    “But maybe the stalks are a bit ambitious. But everything else that’s what I’m aiming for.” 

    He then told viewers: “Obviously before I could start work on my wetlands project there were government rules to consider so I had to employ a team of experts.”

    Jeremy was informed there was a mammal, most likely a water vole that was scurrying across his land due to droppings they had found. 

    “It is very unlikely to be a water vole… there were eight million 20 years ago, there’s now 220,000 and they mostly live in Glasgow,” he told the expert. 

    But the expert argued the animal was also in the Cotswolds and while Jeremy tried to convince him they could just dig the whole area and move it, keeping the water voles home intact, Amazon Prime viewers saw the expert dissuade him by mentioning a prison sentence and fine.

    In the end, Jeremy suggested setting some trap cameras to find out what really was on his land and a few days later, the camera footage showed a shrew. 

    Published at Sat, 19 Jun 2021 03:00:00 +0000

    ‘What the f**k are you doing?’ Jeremy Clarkson's girlfriend loses it over farm mess


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