Queen of the South’s Pote star ‘heartbroken’ after losing out on DC role with Alice Braga


    He confirmed: “You know what’s crazy is, I auditioned, and I booked Suicide Squad 2. I booked a great role, an amazing, amazing role.”

    The star would have undoubtedly been a valuable addition to the cast, and may have reunited the QOTS stars for their first project together away from the series.

    Sadly, The Suicide Squad’s awkward filming schedule meant he was unable to make it onto set.

    He continued: “But unfortunately, we were supposed to start filming Queen of the South in February, and they needed me to be in Panama in February for the movie.

    Published at Wed, 23 Dec 2020 04:01:00 +0000

    Queen of the South’s Pote star ‘heartbroken’ after losing out on DC role with Alice Braga


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