Soul review: Pixar animation shows what it means to be human – just at the right time


    In his excitement and haste to get himself ready for the show, Joe falls down a manhole and quickly a blue, bubbly figure is seen on a travelator, heading towards a bright light.

    It becomes clear Joe has died, almost, and is heading towards ‘The Great Beyond,’ but is desperate to have his chance to play with Dorothea.

    He escapes the light and eventually finds himself in a ‘soul mentoring’ programme in ‘The Great Before’, where he must help a sceptical, frightened-of-life soul, Number 22 (Tina Fey) to find her spark so she is ready to head to Earth.

    While Joe is desperate to return to Earth himself, Number 22 wants nothing of what life can offer, finding no joy in any of the things which could help her, whether that is trying out sports, listening to music or taking advice from her previous mentors, ranging from Mother Teresa to Abraham Lincoln.

    Published at Thu, 24 Dec 2020 12:01:00 +0000

    Soul review: Pixar animation shows what it means to be human – just at the right time


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