Dr. Lynn Migdal: It Took A Mudslide


In a world where disaster and tragedy can strike without warning, Dr. Lynn Migdal stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative ability of the human spirit. In a heartfelt interview, Dr. Migdal shared her harrowing experience of a mudslide in 2012 that claimed the lives of her two daughters and her soulmate, leaving her homes demolished in a matter of seconds.

Dr. Migdal, a seasoned practitioner with over 42 years of experience in the realms of breath- brain based root – healing,  neurological wellness, and therapeutic breathwork, found herself navigating the darkest depths of grief and loss. Yet, as she recounts the painful events, she emphasizes that her story is not just one of tragedy but a profound journey of survival and healing.

Before the mudslide changed her life forever, Dr. Migdal had been a dedicated practitioner, pre-trained in the successful resiliency skills of healthy breath flow, and maintaining a focus on healthy brain and nerve flow. Little did she know that these skills would become her lifeline in the face of unimaginable heartbreak.

As she revisits the day she received the devastating news about her family, Dr. Migdal describes the overwhelming trauma and pain that pushed her to the brink of neurological shock. “This type of trauma and  pain are probably the highest that a human being could possibly go through,” she says, her words echoing the depth of the emotional abyss she found herself in.

What sets Dr. Migdal’s story apart is her acknowledgment of the role her training played in her survival. Despite the unimaginable grief, she credits her ability to go on autopilot into healthy brain and breath posture, and therapeutic breathwork as the key to maintaining her strength and health during the rescue and recovery phase. “I needed to put my shoulders back and down. I needed to open up my breath space so that my lungs could freely breathe,” she reflects, highlighting the conscious effort to stay connected with her body even amidst profound pain.

In her poignant narrative, Dr. Migdal delves into the intricacies of healthy breath flow and healthy nerve flow, emphasizing that these are not merely tools for coping with trauma but are essential for controlling our overall levels of health, wellness, and peace. As the world grapples with an increasing frequency of disasters and rising stress levels, Dr. Migdal asserts that these tools are crucial for navigating life’s challenges.

In a society where many are overwhelmed by stress and feel out of control, Dr. Migdal advocates for the importance of recognizing the personal and controllable nature of breathing and posture. She warns against the common era of disempowering energy and health by constantly looking down at phones, a habit that compresses the lungs and puts pressure on the vagus nerve, ultimately contributing to more stress in our bodies and lives.

Dr. Migdal’s journey of healing took a profound turn as she experienced the flow of a mudslide breaking her heart wide open. Through this heartbreak, she discovered a divine love within herself that connected her with her daughters’ love, a love that she describes as delicious and pleasurable. This revelation became one of her thriving tools, transforming suffering into an intimate connection with the enduring power of love.

Dr. Lynn Migdal: It Took A Mudslide

In a world where disaster and tragedy can strike without warning, Dr. Lynn Migdal stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative ability of the human spirit. In a heartfelt interview, Dr. Migdal shared her harrowing experience of a mudslide in 2012 that claimed the lives of her two daughters and her soulmate, leaving her homes demolished in a matter of seconds.

Dr. Migdal, a seasoned practitioner with over 42 years of experience in the realms of root-centered healing, neurological wellness,  and therapeutic breathwork, found herself navigating the darkest depths of grief and loss. Yet, as she recounts the painful events, she emphasizes that her story is not just one of tragedy but a profound journey of survival and healing.

Before the mudslide changed her life forever, Dr. Migdal had been a dedicated doctor and teacher of Chiropractic, pre-trained in the successful resiliency skills of holistic breathwork, and neurological fitness, and maintaining a focus on healthy brain and nerve flow. Little did she know that these skills would become her lifeline in the face of unimaginable heartbreak.

As she revisits the day she received the devastating news about her family, Dr. Migdal describes the overwhelming trauma and pain that pushed her to the brink of neurological shock. “This type of trauma and pain has been described as the highest that a human being could go through,” she says, her words echoing the depth of the emotional abyss she found herself in.

What sets Dr. Migdal’s story apart is her acknowledgment of the role her training played in her survival. Despite the unimaginable grief, she credits her ability to go on autopilot into therapeutic breathwork, healthy breath, and brain flow postures as the keys to maintaining her strength and health during the rescue and recovery phase. “I needed to put my shoulders back and down. I needed to open up my breath space so that my lungs could freely breathe,” she reflects, highlighting the conscious effort to stay connected with her body even amidst profound pain.

In her poignant narrative, Dr. Migdal delves into the intricacies of healthy breath and healthy nerve flow, emphasizing that these are not merely tools for coping with trauma but are essential for controlling our overall levels of health, wellness, and peace. As the world grapples with an increasing frequency of disasters and rising stress levels, Dr. Migdal asserts that these tools are crucial for navigating life’s challenges.

In a society where many are overwhelmed by stress and feel out of control, Dr. Migdal advocates for recognizing the personal and controllable nature of breathing and posture. She warns against the common era of disempowering energy and health by constantly looking down at phones, a habit that compresses the lungs and puts pressure on the vagus nerve, ultimately contributing to more stress in our bodies and lives.

Dr. Migdal’s journey of healing took a profound turn as she experienced the flow of a mudslide breaking her heart into pieces. Through this heartbreak, she discovered a divine love within herself that connected her with her daughters’ love, a love that she describes as delicious and pleasurable. This revelation became one of her thriving tools, transforming suffering into an intimate connection with the enduring power of love.

As Dr. Migdal concludes her compelling story, she leaves a poignant message for all: “Love does not die, but sometimes our connection to it can get lost.” She urges everyone to embrace the simple yet powerful practice of healthy breath and nerve flow, a practice that resides within each of us, waiting to be chosen. In a world often defined by its challenges, Dr. Lynn Migdal’s journey serves as an inspiration—a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable loss, the human spirit can find resilience and renewal through the profound act of choosing to breathe, flow, and thrive.

For more information about her books, ecources, keynotes,  holistic sessions and trainings please visit Dr. Lynn Migdal’s Web Site