Lessons Musicians Can Learn From Bryan Michael Amid Covid_19


The impact of covid-19 on the music industry was immense. Few if none ever envisioned that a time would appear when music events like concert tours, festivals, award shows would be postponed and canceled. Several albums have been delayed causing the industry to lose a $30 billion revenue in 2020.

However, Bryan Michael’s music has sparked hope and solace among fans globally. Music runs in his blood, while passion is the heartbeat that drives this champion. Here are some of the lessons you can learn as a musician in the coronavirus dispensation:

1. Be Creative

With lockdowns, curfews, and World Health Organization protocols globally, most businesses have been forced to work remotely. Therefore, musicians should be creative to keep up with what is now termed “the new normal.” Creativity can involve leveraging your social media platforms to reach and expand your fan base. Also, you can compose lyrics on the current happenings both locally and globally. Ensure that you are not just producing what everybody out there is producing. Instead, be creative and come up with something unique.

Bryan Michael’s music is very creative and unique. Some of his music include;

  • Yahoo Boy
  • Kamil
  • Kishmel
  • Chicago Ogs
  • 194 Chicago Exotic
  • Hubbardinn Online

You can listen to his music on Apple and Spotify and see what creativity looks like.

2. Covid-19 Is Here To Stay

Though devastating, musicians should see a silver lining in the pandemic. The faster musicians accept the fact that the pandemic is here to stay, the better for them. This reality will make you look for avenues to become the best of yourself in the music industry. For Bryan Michael, he is advancing his vision. He is releasing new albums that are earth-shaking and making a fortune out of them. He understands that every challenge is meant to be overcome. And guess what? He is already winning big in the industry and becoming a coveted artist.

3. Don’t Focus On The Money Or Fame, Focus On Quality Content.

Content is king. When you are out for music, do not focus on money or fame. Create content that is worthy for your fans. Once you create great content that moves the crowd, money, and fame will follow you. Great content will help you give your audience something that they haven’t seen before. Do not provide your audience with the same old content that they can get with everyone else. Unique content will wow your audience. That is why Bryan Michael is continually researching to know and understand his audience.


Therefore, if you want to make it in the music industry in this pandemic, be creative, focus on creating unique content and understand that Covid-19 is here to stay.


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