Interview: Toorak Chiropractor Josh Cogoi finds his passion in performing


Dr. Josh Cogoi, an Australian chiropractor and performer of Magic Men Australia, spoke with #Powerjournalist Markos Papadatos about his latest endeavors.

American author, speaker, and leader John C. Maxwell once said: “Dreams don’t work  unless you do.” This quote applies to Josh Cogoi, a chiropractor, model, influencer, and performer.

Cogoi works as a chiropractor in Toorak, which is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. He also shared that he has been with Magic Men Australia since January of 2022.

On performing for Magic Men Australia, he said, “There is a lot to love, really. If I had to choose one, it would be the diversity and the places that we get to be, places where you normally wouldn’t get access to.”

Cogoi had great words about the veteran and popular Magic Men Australia performers Will Parfitt and Ceaser Smith, and the rest of the guys. “All of the guys are top-notch. I can’t speak highly enough of them. There is a really strong culture and brotherhood in Magic Men Australia. Everyone looks after everyone. I am pretty close with most of the guys now,” he said.

Regarding his daily motivations, he said, “To put it easily, I just love progression. I always want to do better each year. I want to be a better version of myself than I was the previous year. On the flip side of that, I hate wasting time.”

For young and aspiring content creators and performers, he said, “If you want to grow on social media, and that’s your goal, focus on viral videos. If you want to be a Magic Men performer, people skills are No. 1. You are never going to make it without people skills. You don’t need to have the best performance but if you can communicate something efficiently, people will love you.”

On the title of the current chapter of his life, he said, “Development.”

He opened up about being a content creator in the digital age, especially now with technology, social media, and streaming being so prevalent. “I am still learning it, I am still very new to it,” he said.

“The more I am in it, the more I understand the power and the importance of social media. To get somewhere or access to things, your social media is a resume. Everyone is their own brand,” he added.

If he were to do any track and field event, he would do the high jump. In swimming, he listed freestyle as his favorite stroke. “The high jump was always I was particularly good at in school,” he said.

When asked what superpower he would have, he noted that it would be “shapeshifting.”

On his definition of the word success, he said, “Success is a form of freedom.”

For his fans and supporters, Cogoi said, “Firstly, thank you for taking the time to invest in me. Also, keep a close eye because there are a lot of things in development in the next few weeks, which I am excited for everyone to see.”

To learn more about Magic Men Australia,  check out their official website.

For more information on Dr. Josh Cogoi, follow him on Instagram and TikTok.

Cogoi also took some time to answer a few “Rapid Fire” questions.

Waffles or pancakes? Waffles
Flying or driving? Flying
City living or country living? City living
Summer or winter? Summer
Library or museum? Museum
Bath or shower? Shower
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Texting or calling? Calling
Half-full or half-empty? Half-full
Curly fries or normal fries? Normal fries
Skydiving or scuba diving? Scuba diving
Indoor pool or outdoor pool? Indoor pool
Tea or coffee? Tea
Rain or snow? Snow
Singing or dancing? Dancing
Burgers or tacos? Burgers
Long course or short course? Short course
Money or fame? Money


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