Review: Steve-O of ‘Jackass’ brings his ‘Bucketlist’ Tour to The Paramount

Steve-O of 'Jackass.' Photo Courtesy of Steve-O

On September 25, Steve-O of “Jackass” fame performed his stand-up comedy show at The Paramount in Huntington on Long Island.

It was a bit raunchy, wild, and crazy, but he deserves to be commended for his brevity and courage to take all of those risks and precarious demonstrations. He also spoke about his engagement with Lux, and how supportive she has been on his journey.

Some of his dangerous stunts included vasectomy Olympics, getting cauliflower ears from professional wrestlers, and sky-jacking, the latter of which he dubs as his proudest professional achievement. He also had an encore for his fans, which was a video titled “For the Win.”

Every idea on Steve-O’s Bucket List was so ill-advised, he never expected to go through with any of them. Until it was time to prepare for this tour.

Not only are the stunts more ridiculous than what you already know Steve-O for, but he also did them all, and made a highly XXX-rated, multimedia comedy show out of them. This show is certainly not for kids (under the age of 18), nor for the faint of heart.

“I absolutely loved the show,” Jesse Wilsensky, fan and attendee, said. “It is one thing to see Steve-O on the screen, and a completely diferent thing to witness him standing before you.”

As the audience was exiting the venue, they all received a copy of his book “A Hard Kick in the Nuts.”

To learn more about Steve-O, check out his official website, and follow him on Instagram.


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