Sandy Sanders Career Chic: How Can Women Experts And Digital Entrepreneurs Turn Browsers Into Buyers.


No one can deny that the primary goal of any business is to generate profit in the long term. Women experts and digital entrepreneurs establish their businesses to earn from it. Hence, they are continually looking for ways to accelerate the growth of their business.

In both traditional and digital marketing, probably, the most critical measurements are conversion metrics. Digital entrepreneurs know too well any marketing campaign that gives low conversion is a failure. Why is the conversion so necessary? All the marketing efforts of any woman expert and digital entrepreneur aim to convert their online visitors into paying customers.

All business owners want visitors on their website to make a purchase. Hence, useful conversion metrics can indicate more profit coming into a business. “It is unavoidable for women experts and digital entrepreneurs to learn how to sell their products or services successfully. They can only convert a prospective customer into a buying customer if they know how to close the sale,” entrepreneur Sandy Sanders remarked.

Turning Browsers Into Buyers  

Women experts and digital entrepreneurs exert marketing efforts to drive more traffic to their website or sales funnel. But equally important is the ability to close the sale,” Sanders said. However, Sanders has found that most women experts and digital entrepreneurs have a hard time converting those interested in their services to paying clients.

Sanders said that women experts and digital entrepreneurs are great at their craft. “They are experts in their particular niche, but their main stumbling block in making the conversion is that they are not great salespeople,” she added. For Sanders, sales are the most essential component of any business. 

“Most people hate sales. They hate salespeople. But we should recognize that no business will exist without sales. Every entrepreneur is a commission-only salesperson. We are believing a lie and a myth if we believe that a business can be called successful if it is not making any sales,” Sanders explained. The life and blood of any business revolve around selling products and services.

Sanders pointed out that women experts and digital entrepreneurs should realize that they need to learn how to sell themselves and their products or services. “It is the reason why I decided to pivot my coaching to focus on helping women experts and digital entrepreneurs grow. My objective is to assist them in turning browsers into buyers,” she continued. 

To do that, Sanders explained that they need to master the art and science of selling. Selling involves psychology, analysis, and relationship building.  It is an art because entrepreneurs need to consider customers’ emotional buying habits, make connections, and build good relationships.  On the other hand, it is also a science because it involves using data analysis, problem-solving, creating diagnoses, and applying systematic strategies to achieve desired results. 

“Women entrepreneurs also need not be afraid to ask for the sale.  They need to clearly articulate their offer’s value, not discount themselves or their services and engage in converting conversations. Many female entrepreneurs have a phenomenal offering, delivering a massive impact.  When it comes time for the client enrollment call, the challenge is that they cannot easily and confidently close the sale. It was this epiphany that led me to narrow my focus and niche to help these ambitious, impactful women experts and digital entrepreneurs make more money by selling more effectively,” Sanders said.

What Sanders Can Offer? 

Sanders offers coaching programs to women experts and digital entrepreneurs who want to accelerate and transform their businesses. Sales execution and marketing are among her primary expertise. Something that she has been doing for more than 25 years. Before she jumped into entrepreneurship, she was an executive for a Fortune 10 company.

Among her accolades is the recipient of the Women of Color Magazine’s Outstanding Career Achievement STEM Award as an influential trailblazer of change for several Fortune 100 companies. Over the last year, Sanders helped her clients’ grow their businesses from zero to six figures and from six to seven figures. Her strategy centered on sales execution once the client’s purpose or goal has been clearly established.

She can craft comprehensive client strategies across channel, product, sales, and technology functions. In terms of operational excellence, she can be instrumental in empowering women experts and digital entrepreneurs to navigate change and business transformation.

Sanders can guide any client in analyzing and discovering their business problems to create a roadmap to bridge the present state’s gap to the desired state. She also helped establish analytic and future-facing insights, implications, and recommendations that increase sales and enhance marketing effectiveness.

A Simple Formula

Her coaching services centered on a three-step system, which she dubbed as the 3 P’s To Success. This easy strategy is composed of purpose, plan, and preparation. In the purpose phase, Sanders will guide women experts and digital entrepreneurs to define their purpose or goal clearly.

The second phase is all about the plan. “In this phase, women experts and digital entrepreneurs make a plan by breaking down their goal into smaller actionable goals by using the SMART goal-setting approach,” Sanders said. Meanwhile, in the last phase or the preparation phase, they will ready themselves with “a disciplined, tactical execution of their plan to achieve their goals.”

Sanders stated that the 3 P’s To Success is a simple yet effective approach to achieving better business results. “I uncovered the strategy in 2012, which catapulted me to an astounding corporate career before I became an entrepreneur. It rapidly increased my income and was instrumental in me attaining six dream roles and promotions since the 2008 financial crisis, and now getting paid to do what I love,” she remarked.

Final Thoughts

Women experts and digital entrepreneurs need to hone their skills in selling their products or services. It is good to know that Sanders is willing to lend a hand to develop their selling skills and accelerate their business growth. 

Starting on February 8th, Sanders will be launching the Beta of a new program called the 21-Day Savvy Selling Challenge. She is accepting applications, limited to only 15 entrepreneurs to participate.  Applications opened on January 21st and will close this week. Those who want to learn how to multiply their sales, increase their confidence, finetune their consultative selling skills, and improve their close rates, are welcome to apply here at Those who successfully complete the challenge will be invited to become a part of her private membership program and later her VIP Mastermind, which includes a 3 Day all-inclusive tropical retreat. 

For women experts and digital entrepreneurs interested in leveling up their business and turning browsers into buyers, they can also visit for more details.


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