This Mindset Coach Is the Reason You Should Believe in Yourself


This Mindset Coach Is the Reason You Should Believe in Yourself 

What is the state of your mind on a daily? Do you find that you have the right mindset to deal with anything that may be thrown at you? As simple as it may seem, having a positive mindset can make or break you. How you perceive and react to everything directly dictates what you continue to draw into your daily experiences.

It’s been shown time and time again that if you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. It all starts with a positive mindset and having faith in our journey. 

One person who knows about the advantages of a healthy mindset is Stephanie Jameson. She is a boss babe with an epic story and lots of titles. She is an intuitive empath, empowerment coach, psychic medium and many have said, “quite the perspective shifter” after working one on one with her. Stephanie is also a two time author. 

Her first book, The Happy Empaths Workbook has become an Amazon Best Seller for Personal Transformation & Spirituality. Her second book: The Happy Empath’s Little Book of Affirmations has also recently become an Amazon Best Seller for Self Esteem / Self Help, Happiness and Emotional Self Help. It was released on November 17th  2020, and it is loaded with mindful mantras for daily self-care. In a nutshell, both her books are all about empowerment and reprogramming of the mind all while encouraging the reader to choose love over fear. 

Growing Up Gifted

Growing up, Stephanie was a very energetically sensitive kid. She states that she always felt “so different” and tried hard to fit in but it never worked. Stephanie was challenged first and foremost by her gifts, which she did not realize were gifts until a much later age. From a tender age, the gifted author could sense spirit and subtle energy around her. At times, this caused anxiety and frustration. Not only could she sense spirit, she felt energy from the adults around her, which was often very heightened. 

Stephanie identifies as an intuitive dreamer. Intuitive dreamers often receive messages from spirit and loved ones or people close to their loved ones who have already passed on. She would also gain insight and guidance through her dreams. This continued into early adulthood. It was quite often that Stephanie’s dreams came true or an answer would come through at just the right moment. 

With no one experienced in this subject to guide her growing up, she had to discover her mission on her own. As she grew, her close friends and family were very aware of Stephanie’s gifts but it was up to Stephanie to trust in these gifts and speak her truth. Not an easy thing for a sensitive, but an important part of her journey. Stephanie says that she feels like she was taken through this part of her journey on her own because she was meant to learn how to honor her inner voice, trust in the wisdom of her heart and then once she mastered this, teach others to do the same. 

Always Gets Back Up

Everyone has a story, and like many others unfortunately, Stephanie carries with her the experience of being an abused child. When she was 17 years old, she was diagnosed with PTSD and from that age on had to learn how to reparent herself and build a solid sense of self worth. 

Amazingly, Stephanie is not the kind of soul that life can hold back. To date, she always gets back up, no matter how hard life hits her. She says “ We have a choice everyday. We can choose fear and operate from a victim mentality, or we can learn from our experiences and transmute trauma into love”. That mindset has helped her navigate through her own awakening and has opened opportunities up for her that at one time she says “seemed unfathomable”. 

Stephanie has been moved through lessons around creating healthy boundaries, healing codependency, has learned how to embrace her sensitivities, speak her truth while healing the fear around what others may think or say and has also grown through a very painful divorce. 

Impeccably, just like a phoenix, she has undergone a total rebirth and has emerged more robust than ever.

The Serving Mission of Divine Soul Journey

Stephanie enjoys helping others find peace, clarity, and healing. She reminds everyone that she comes into contact with how beautiful, capable and divine they are. Because she understands the effects of a tough childhood, she is able to help with inner child wounding and reprogramming / upgrading mindsets. 

Through intuitive healing/empowerment sessions and courses, Stephanie is committed to helping adults connect with spirit as well as offer guidance that can help with karmic patterns and conditioned beliefs that keep them from living in alignment with abundance. 

If Stephanie can shift, you can…

Stephanie has had every opportunity since childhood to dive into fear and stay there, and at times.. like all of us, she has for a little bit. However, she continues to make the conscious decision now to choose love over fear daily and has learned with a few years of training.. “ that we truly can shift our energy and reprogram ourselves with some effort and willingness to do so.” 

Stephanie says that “there are situations in our lives that can be quite devastating and although they require time and sometimes professional help to heal, we don’t have to keep re-living the trauma or pattern over and over again. It’s an old story that can keep us caught in a loop if we are not careful. If you have experienced some trauma along your journey, it does not define you and is no longer a part of your daily journey unless you allow it to be. Allow yourself the opportunity to create a new pattern.”

This mindset coach’s story is sufficient enough to make anyone want to adopt the right mindset. She is a spring full of radiance, positivity, and sheer awesomeness. This mindset coach is the reason you should believe in yourself because if she can shift, so can you!

For more information about Stephanie, visit her website or Instagram

Stephanie’s books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target &


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