Why Being a Mom is Your Unfair Advantage In Business


Being a mom in business almost always equates to no time for anything else. You have no time for personal development or setting up and building your dream business. Balancing work and family feels like rocket science. Whereas a good work day is 9-5, entrepreneurship feels like it’s 24/7. You want to spend time doing mom stuff, but you need to earn so your kids can have a better future.

Rosa Rodriguez is a mompreneur. She knows the struggles of being a mum and working in a business all too well. Yet Rosa is one of the few moms who rock at managing time for business and family. As a mom coach, she helps other moms do the same by guiding them to acquire top-tier clients. Rosa claims that moms can overcome the unfair advantage in business by working smart, not hard.

It’s All in the Mind

Rosa has been a coach for six years; before that, she was in finance and accounting for 15 years. She battled with the decision of whether to quit her job or not. Like most moms, Rosa feared quitting a job spelled doom, and the 9-5 gave her a sense of security. Yet when she finally decided that it was her time, she quit her job and landed five figures in one day. That’s five figures that she never made from a month’s salary.

Rosa believes that success starts in the mind. She knows all the objections that moms make. E.g. I don’t have enough time; maybe I’ll do this later; I don’t have enough money. All these excuses will keep you in prison for never having enough funds. Fear mentality cripples progress. In her coaching, Rosa helps moms remove kind of like their whole thinking so that they can start thinking in a way that benefits them and others.

Working Smart

Once you change your whole mindset, you position yourself to work smart. Rosa points out that one of the reasons women have an unfair advantage in business is that they overwork. You try to do all the work, and when you can’t anymore, you give up or procrastinate.

To Rosa, time is your biggest asset. The best way to use this asset is to create an impactful business that gives you the time and freedom to live a great life.

Rosa says that being a mom in business is not a disadvantage like society would want us to believe. In fact, it’s the other way around. Being a mom in business is an advantage. Although statistics would beg to differ, it’s up to us to change all that.

Why you need a Coach

Rosa is a business coach and consultant with an eye out for moms. She helps mompreneurs create a high-ticket coaching program even while they are still working a 9-5. Rosa offers a 6-month mentorship where she has a two-tier offer for the program. Tier 1 is a $5k program done with you, whereas tier 2 is a $10K program done for you program. She also offers Masterclasses for free.

You can learn more about her by checking out her website. Her socials are:

●     Instagram @iamrosarodriguez

●     Tiktok @iam.rosarodriguez

●     Twitter @iamcoachrosa

●     Youtube and Facebook – Rosa Rodriguez