Antiques Roadshow: Sean Connery’s Bond jacket fetches hefty sum in private valuation


    “Wow!” Fiona responded. “And this little stain here, does this add or detract from its value, Stephen?”

    “I think it’s more likely to be post-production than something that took place during production.

    “So we wouldn’t touch it now, wouldn’t mess with it now, but it’s not going to detract from its value,” he clarified.

    “So, this isn’t Sean sort of dropping his lunch?” she queried, with the expert responding: “I don’t think so, no!”

    Antiques Roadshow airs Sundays on BBC One. 

    Published at Tue, 19 Jan 2021 20:31:00 +0000

    Antiques Roadshow: Sean Connery’s Bond jacket fetches hefty sum in private valuation


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