Louise Minchin shut down by Kwasi Kwarteng over budget probe ‘I’m not going to tell you’


    “What he’s also said is we can’t simply going on spending money forever but for the moment our job is to make sure we protect this country and the livelihoods of millions of people and the way to do that is to do what the Chancellor has done and provide considerable support.”

    “Do you favour, for example a tax on companies that have done well in the pandemic?” Minchin asked.

    Kwarteng answered: “What I favour, and I’m a Conservative, I’ve always favoured low tax Conservative, the best way to grow an economy is to promote enterprise, small business and larger businesses as well.

    “But at a time like this, our focus is to keep things going and supporting, providing vital support to families and businesses at a vital time.”

    Published at Tue, 02 Mar 2021 08:40:00 +0000

    Louise Minchin shut down by Kwasi Kwarteng over budget probe ‘I’m not going to tell you’


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