Overwatch Season 27 start date: When does Overwatch Competitive Season 26 end?


    Blizzard has chosen to extend Overwatch Season 26 following rollout issues across PS4, Xbox One and PC.

    A new report from the Overwatch development team has confirmed that technical problems have played havoc with the schedule laid out earlier in 2021.

    This means that Overwatch Season 27 is not rolling out today, and it won’t be until next week before the new Competitive Play update arrives.

    The new Overwatch Season 27 start date has been set for Tuesday, March 9, with Season 26 set to continue until launch day.

    Confirming the changes for this week, a statement from Blizzard revealed: “A technical issue arose with today’s rollout of Season 27 of Competitive Play.

    “Our team tested a number of fixes, but in the interest of time and allowing players to get back into Competitive Play, we have made the choice to extend Season 26 a few days while we continue to identify the cause of this issue and work on a fix.

    “Season 27 is now anticipated to begin next Tuesday. In the interim, you can continue to play games attributed to Season 26. Since this is a bit out of the ordinary, there are some known issues we’d like to note upfront:

    The Overwatch Season 27 release date has been pushed back until next week, with Blizzard hoping to kick things off at around 7pm PST.

    Here’s everything we know about the changes made to Overwatch Competitive during March 2021:

    “The season will be tagged with “Season ends in less than a minute” – We anticipate that Season 27 will begin around 11:00 AM PST on Tuesday, March 9.

    “The leaderboard will be re-enabled and will reflect changes in ranks as if Season 26 never ended.

    “Players who climb ranks during this extension will be eligible to receive non-consumable rewards (i.e. sprays), but will not receive additional competitive credits based on their updated placement.

    “Those who already received their Top 500 rewards at the scheduled end of the season will not receive additional rewards for reaching Top 500 at the updated end of the season.

    “Those who have not logged into and received their Season 26 rewards receive their rewards at the updated end of the season next Tuesday.”

    While Overwatch Season 27 has been delayed for less than a week, that didn’t stop Blizzard from launching a new experimental patch.

    This new patch is available to download across all platforms, with Blizzard looking for feedback on some balance changes.

    Blizzard is using the 2-2-2 Role Queue ruleset so that they can get a feel for how these balance changes might affect the live game.

    The highlights include:

    GENJI: “We’re increasing Genji’s Shuriken fire rate to enable him to have more impact outside of his ultimate and increasing the cost of Dragonblade to account for the increased damage potential.”

    MEI: “A while ago there was a change to make Mei’s Cryo-Freeze collision consistent with her Ice Wall, meaning she could no longer be targeted by allies while inside the block of ice. We’re increasing her Cryo-Freeze healing rate since she isn’t able to be easily healed up by her allies during that time.”

    PHARAH: “ The intent for Pharah’s Hover Jet fuel adjustments is to find a balance where it enables her to maintain an altitude reasonably well with careful fuel and cooldown management, but not so easily climb to the extreme heights some map ceilings allow for as it can lead to less interactive gameplay.”

    Published at Fri, 05 Mar 2021 01:54:51 +0000

    Overwatch Season 27 start date: When does Overwatch Competitive Season 26 end?


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