Justice League 2: ‘SnyderVerse likely to continue on HBO Max as series’


    On March 18, Zack Snyder’s Justice League finally hit HBO Max and NOW and was met with much better reviews from fans and critics compared to Joss Whedon’s theatrical release. Since the four hour Snyder Cut went public, #RestoreTheSnyderVerse has been trending on Twitter with fans hopeful for Justice League 2 and more DC adventures for Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jared Leto’s Joker. However, WarnerMedia have confirmed that a follow-up after that Knightmare Future cliffhanger won’t be happening, but that doesn’t appear to be the end of the story.

    Speaking with Variety, WarnerMedia Studios CEO Ann Sarnoff said they allowed the Snyder Cut to happen so Zack’s vision, which would be impossible in cinemas at four hours long, could be completed.

    She said: “We’re happy that we have HBO Max to let the rope out as it were and allow the fans to see all four-hours of Zack’s vision.

    “We’ve got an incredible group of creators — television series creators, Max series creators, feature film creators — who are basically broadening the base of the talent that we work with on DC because we’re so excited about the potential to build out the DC multiverse.”

    But when pushed for a response to the fan enthusiasm behind #RestoreTheSnyderVerse, Sarnoff said how the Snyder Cut, which ended on a cliffhanger, was the completion of Zack’s trilogy following on from Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.

    READ MORE: Justice League 2 and 3 ‘might now be possible’ after Snyder Cut

    Sarnoff added: “I appreciate that they love Zack’s work and we are very thankful for his many contributions to DC.

    “We’re just so happy that he could bring his cut of the Justice League to life because that wasn’t in the plan until about a year ago. With that comes the completion of his trilogy.

    “We’re very happy we’ve done this, but we’re very excited about the plans we have for all the multi-dimensional DC characters that are being developed right now.”

    In response, Beyond The Trailer insider Grace Randolph tweeted: “[WarnerMedio CEO] Jason Kilar is Ann Sarnoff’s boss, but I think it’s almost impossible she would do an interview like this without discussing it with him first.”

    Following the Snyder Cut’s launch on March 18, Randolph tweeted: “I LOVE everyone’s enthusiasm re #RestoreTheSnyderVerse.

    “As I’ve told you, due to overwhelming hype for #SnyderCut suddenly WB etc are interested.

    “But no further movement until they see how it actually performs. So watch it Thursday or this weekend – the time is now. Deliver.”

    While the week before, the Beyond The Trailer host said multiple sources had told her Justice League 2 and 3 are now possible.

    Randolph tweeted at the time: “Just to reiterate: I’m hearing exciting things from multiple sources re Snyder Cut.

    “JL2 & 3 might now be possible. Some suits want Zack Snyder to direct Wonder Woman 3, which I think is an excellent idea. The hype is real… Don’t let up now.”

    Of course, this was all before Sarnoff’s interview, but as Randolph said that doesn’t mean that HBO Max won’t be interested.

    Just how the SnyderVerse would connect with upcoming movies like The Flash when the Snyder Cut isn’t considered canon is anyone’s guess. But maybe the introduction of the DC multiverse in Ezra Miller’s solo outing could help explain it all?


    Published at Tue, 23 Mar 2021 11:21:00 +0000

    Justice League 2: ‘SnyderVerse likely to continue on HBO Max as series’


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