WoW Classic server maintenance extended – Burning Crusade buglist revealed


    The Burning Crusade kicks off in June and Blizzard are prepping for the WoW Classic launch by releasing a new pre-patch.

    This will be available to experience in the coming hours on North American servers, with extended maintenance now set to last until 10pm PDT.

    A message from the Blizzard support team confirms: “Current maintenance has been extended until 10:00 PM (PDT).”

    The original schedule set by Blizzard had the pre-patch maintenance ending at 3pm PDT.

    Meanwhile, gamers in Europe will have to wait for separate maintenance to end at 8am BST on May 19 to start playing the WoW Classic TBC pre-patch.

    No change has been listed on the official EU server site but it will be worth keeping an eye on the latest official WoW Classic news on social media.

    Blizzard has also taken the chance to share a large list of issues that will need fixing in the weeks to come.

    The team looking to remove these bugs have warned that this is not a complete list, but a sampling of issues they believe players may encounter with some regularity.

    “We hope to have fixes to these issues in place soon, but we cannot promise when or if any individual bug will be fixed,” Blizzard explains.

    “Also please note that this list pertains to issues that are present and visible during the Burning Crusade pre-patch period for patch 2.5.1. We will update this again with new issues as needed after Burning Crusade Classic has fully launched.”

    The complete list of issues can be found listed below and includes the following:



    Graphics and Visual Effects:

    • SSAO (Ambient Occlusion) is not currently changing the appearance of shadows in the game.

    • There are flickering textures present in some areas of the Horde base in Warsong Gulch

    • Some Reflective surfaces may appear too bright and shiny.

    • Arathi Basin flags that are under attack or have been captured are too bright.

    Combat, Spells, and Abilities:

    • Casting the Mage spell Blink while facing a nearby wall may occasionally cause the spell to Fizzle and result in your character remaining in place.

    • Energy Regen ticks can sometimes provide slightly more or slightly less than 20 energy.

    • Damage taken while drowning is currently slightly different from the original Burning Crusade.

    • Stealth animations for Druid and Rogue differ slightly on some races compared to the original Burning Crusade.

    • Warriors that are slowed while changing stances may occasionally play a very slow “running” animation rather than the appropriate walking animation.

    • Including /stopcasting in a spell macro can cause animation hitching or delays in some situations.

    Published at Tue, 18 May 2021 22:27:00 +0000

    WoW Classic server maintenance extended – Burning Crusade buglist revealed


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