Kate Garraway bashes BBC over 'deceitful' Princess Diana interview ‘I’m so angry’


    Kate Garraway took aim at the BBC after Lord Dyson found the broadcaster “fell short of the high standards integrity and transparency which are its hallmark” with regards to how Martin Bashir persuaded Princess Diana to give her interview. Good Morning Britain’s Kate slammed the BBC as she argued the findings of the investigation “cast doubt” on the journalism profession.

    Kate began: “Two extraordinary media moments, one this Apple series which Prince Harry is a significant part of along with Oprah, talking about mental health in which he talks about the death of his mother, the impact of him and the way she was chased into the tunnel.

    “And then that happens just a few hours after Prince William and Prince Harry both gave statements [on the Dyson investigation].

    “Prince William talks so specifically about the documentary, the wrong way he believes Diana was induced into making it and the impact that had on her mental health and their family and on Britain.

    “It is absolutely extraordinary, isn’t it? It feels like a terrible morning for the BBC and a worrying moment for all professionals in the media because it casts a shadow, doesn’t it?”

    Jacqui replied: “It does Kate. First of all, on William’s comments, there is real anger and hurt when he is making that statement.

    “You can understand that because as Prince Harry also very eloquently demonstrates if you lose your mother at the age at which they did, that is going to impact you for the whole of the rest of your life.

    “If you then believe that for the last years of her life she didn’t receive the protection she needed or the support she needed because somebody had lied to her and essentially cause her to become even more estranged from their father and the protection that the Royal Family could have given.

    “You will feel immense hurt and anger about that and I think that’s what Prince William was very ably demonstrating in the comments he made yesterday.”

    Good Morning Britain airs on weekdays on ITV at 6am.

    Published at Fri, 21 May 2021 06:47:47 +0000

    Kate Garraway bashes BBC over 'deceitful' Princess Diana interview ‘I’m so angry’


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