Elvis begged girlfriend Anita not to expose Priscilla affair 'I'll get in so much trouble'


    Back in Germany, Priscilla was determined not to let Elvis forget her and sent him letters in bright pink envelopes. Anita finally found one in 1962 when they were together in California, where Elvis was shooting a movie.

    Anita said: “It was pressed in a book in the library outside of his bedroom… In the letter, it said, ‘Please call my dad. I want to come over there and if you call my dad, I know he will let me come, he will listen to you. I miss you’.

    “So when he came in, I said, ‘What is this letter, who is this, this Priscilla, you said she was just a child?’

    “He got so mad because I found the letter. He took me and he shoved me up against the closet. He was so mad at me, just livid because I had found the letter.”

    Published at Fri, 21 May 2021 21:51:00 +0000

    Elvis begged girlfriend Anita not to expose Priscilla affair 'I'll get in so much trouble'


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