Slow broadband? This awesome speed upgrade is half price – and gets you online TOMORROW


Struggling with abysmal broadband speeds at home? While a number of restrictions have now lifted across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, millions of companies are still asking employees to work from home. And even if you’re back in the office, there’s still a truckload of new boxsets and movies to binge on Netflix. To cut a long story short, you still need a pretty speedy home internet connection.

If you’re not happy with your current connection, Three has unleashed a brilliant new bundle that’s sure to help. The broadband deal leverages Three’s 5G network, so you won’t have to worry about any visits from engineers to drill holes in your walls and install new cabling. Instead, your Wi-Fi router has a small SIM card inside – exactly like your phone – that taps into the huge speeds available over the 5G network. Better yet, since there’s no cable, you can move the router around your house to fit the perfect spot for coverage to all rooms and devices. And with an average download speed of 100Mbps, there’s sure to be no buffering.

For a limited time, new customers can get the first six months at half price. That means you’ll be paying as little as £15 a month for 100Mbps speeds and unlimited downloads. On your seventh month, when your contract returns to its usual price – you’ll still only be paying £30 a month. For comparison, BT charges £28.99 a month for its 50Mbps package, which has a guarantee of at least 25Mbps.

The 5G-powered Wi-Fi router available from Three supports up to 64 different devices, so there’s no need to worry about it struggling with dozens of smart light bulbs, video doorbells, games consoles, laptops, tablets, and more.

Better yet, Three offers next working day delivery for free on all broadband orders. And if you sign-up before 4pm, the mobile network promises that you’ll have your new router ready to plug-and-play and get online the following day. Compared with the days of waiting, phone calls to customer support, and engineer visits that usually accompany a switch between broadband companies, the 5G hub sounds ludicrously simple.

Three also offers a 4G-powered hub for those who don’t live in an area with strong 5G signal yet. At £11 a month, it’s pretty kind of your bank account, but to be honest, the sorts of speeds possible over 4G mean busy households are going to struggle, especially if there’s multiple people trying to stream HD (or, heaven forfend, Ultra HD) shows or movies on Netflix, or make video calls with friends and family.

Published at Tue, 01 Jun 2021 11:58:29 +0000

Slow broadband? This awesome speed upgrade is half price – and gets you online TOMORROW


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