Pink Floyd feud: Roger Waters blasts Dave Gilmour's 'whopping lies' about classic tracks


    Waters quotes from a 1982 interview with Rolling Stone journalist David Fricke, where Gilmour describes how they created the iconic sounds of a retro cash register, from the bell as the total is rung up to the clatter of the drawer opening and closing and the tinkle of the coins being thrown in.

    Gilmour said: “You’re trying to get the impact from the cash register, ‘the snap, crack, crsssh,” You’d mark that one and then measure how long you wanted that beat to go, and that’s the piece you’d use. And you’d chop it together. It was trial and error.”

    Waters then goes on to describe his own very different memories of creating that track.

    Published at Wed, 02 Jun 2021 13:56:00 +0000

    Pink Floyd feud: Roger Waters blasts Dave Gilmour's 'whopping lies' about classic tracks


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