Gyles Brandreth slams BBC licence fee: ‘If you want billions of taxpayers’ money, earn it'


    Gyles’ pal Maureen appeared on ITV’s This Morning last week to chat all about the show.

     “I have to say, oh, look, I’ve got the same blouse on, see how I recycled,” she said.

    “I thought that I was going into something where I was going to be a sort of female Will Self and I was going to comment on people.

    “I didn’t realise they were just going to show us lots and lots of mens’ bits.

    “We say really witty things don’t we Gyles and it all gets cut in favour of us going ‘Ew!’ and ‘What’s that? Oh, I didn’t realise people were growing aubergines like that?’”

    Gyles’ full interview can be read in the Radio Times.

    Celebrity Gogglebox airs Friday on Channel 4 at 9pm.

    Published at Mon, 07 Jun 2021 23:01:00 +0000

    Gyles Brandreth slams BBC licence fee: ‘If you want billions of taxpayers’ money, earn it'


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