Dementia: Online calculator could determine your risk – 'You don't need to visit a doctor'


“This tool will give people who fill it out clues to what they can do to reduce their personal risk of dementia,” said Dr Tanuseputro.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has also made it clear that sociodemographic variables like ethnicity and neighbourhood play a major role in our health.

“It was important to include those variables in the tool so policy makers can understand how different populations are impacted by dementia, and help ensure that any prevention strategies are equitable.”

While the calculator was designed for use in Canada, it can be adapted for any of the 100 countries around the world that collect health survey data.

Published at Sat, 26 Jun 2021 08:45:00 +0000

Dementia: Online calculator could determine your risk – 'You don't need to visit a doctor'


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