NCIS 2021: Caitlin Todd's death was foreshadowed in key Gibbs scene – did you spot it?


    At the beginning of episode 23, ‘Reveille’, Gibbs dreams about meeting a despondent Ducky Mallard (David McCallum) in the NCIS morgue.

    In his nightmare, he approaches a body-bag on the table, and unzips it to find Kate’s dead body.

    He only has a second to glimpse the bullet hole on her forehead before he looks up to find Ducky has been replaced by Ari, who starts to laugh.

    Later on in the episode, Gibbs witnesses the same scene in person, though discovers the terrorist known as Marta (Josie Davis) was actually the one in the body-bag.

    Published at Mon, 28 Jun 2021 02:25:41 +0000

    NCIS 2021: Caitlin Todd's death was foreshadowed in key Gibbs scene – did you spot it?


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