Hypertension: The hot drink linked to ‘dangerously high’ blood pressure – limit intake


Ms Guilia added: “Research shows that consuming too much liquorice, and glycyrrhizic acid, as a result, can trigger a chain reaction in the body which leads to high blood pressure.

“Glycyrrhizic acid affects our blood pressure by acting on the kidneys, specifically affecting blood pressure by disrupting the balance between sodium and water in our kidneys.

“Blood pressure is regulated by aldosterone, which binds with specific receptors to trigger a reaction.

“In simpler terms, we could see aldosterone as a key, the receptors as the keyhole and the ‘reactions’ as a door.”

Published at Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:01:00 +0000

Hypertension: The hot drink linked to ‘dangerously high’ blood pressure – limit intake


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