‘Didn’t think it’d make it’ Ricky Gervais admits shock at ‘mental’ After Life improv scene


    “There was a day or two when we had them [Ratty (Andrew Brooke) and the N***e (Tom Bennett)], Colin in, and Brian (David Earl) in all in a row,” Lenny star Tony Way began.

    “It was like an onslaught, it was a comedy barrage,” he said to his cast mates as he recalled his favourite day on set. “It was extraordinary.”

    Gervais then weighed in: “Again, Colin when he comes in… when he sings that song, ad-libs that song…”

    “Bang, Bang, I’m a Taxi Driver,” After Life star Diane Morgan chipped in before Gervais said he had doubts it’d be accepted into the final cut.

    Published at Sat, 12 Feb 2022 05:01:00 +0000

    ‘Didn’t think it’d make it’ Ricky Gervais admits shock at ‘mental’ After Life improv scene


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