Can I meet friends in a restaurant in Tier 2?


Can I meet friends in a restaurant in Tier 2?

“We must keep suppressing the virus, while supporting education, the economy and of course the NHS, until a vaccine can make us safe. That is our plan.

“We will do this by returning to a tiered approach, applying the toughest measures to the parts of the country where cases and pressure on the NHS are highest, and allowing greater freedom in areas where prevalence is lower.

“While the strategy remains the same, the current epidemiological evidence, and clinical advice, shows we must make the tiers tougher than they were before to protect the NHS through the winter and avert another national lockdown.”

The key message of the new rules are as follows:

  • In tier 1 if you can work from home, you should do so.
  • In tier 2, alcohol may only now be served in hospitality settings as part of a substantial meal.
  • In tier 3, indoor entertainment, hotels and other accommodation will have to close, along with all forms of hospitality, except for delivery and takeaways.

Published at Thu, 26 Nov 2020 17:26:03 +0000


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