Covid vaccine card: The Coronavirus card you will have to carry with you at all times


The Pfizer vaccine is now inbound for the UK, as the country becomes the first in the west to approve public consumption of the jab. Although the first batches have arrived, it could be some time before most Brits get their hands on the jab, which was one of the first to finalise development in the US. Once administered, it should protect more than 90 percent of people, and vaccinators will supply a card detailing this.

New pictures released on the weekend showed the jab arriving at UK hospitals.

Photographers captured staff from Croydon Health Services unloading the first few batches from delivery vans.

They also showed nurses from London’s Royal Free Hospital demonstrating vaccination procedure before the real thing in a matter of days.

Photographers also included a depiction of incoming Covid-19 “vaccination cards” handed out to recipients.

READ MORE: Coronavirus vaccine date: 50 UK hospital hubs to get first vaccines

The official NHS cards will detail a person’s vaccination status when the jabs roll out for the public.

They include information on the front and reverse, the latter side of which asks people to “keep this record in your purse or wallet”.

The card’s front also includes directions to find further information and a tagline of “Covid-19 immunisation – Enjoy life. Protect yourself.”

On the back, people will find space to include details of their immunity.

Exactly what officials will use the cards for remains unclear, with further details pending.

Ministers have toyed with the idea of an “immunity passport” since the pandemic began.

These passports would give people some exception from Covid-19 lockdown rules by proving their immunity, with other non-immune people still required to abide by restrictions.

They have not yet received public approval, although the cards seem to show a step towards this policy.

Welsh ministers have already spoken about the cards included after vaccination.

In an official statement, Vaughan Gething, the Welsh Minister for Health and Social Services seemed to suggest the cards would serve as a reminder which would direct people to further information rather than a tool for an exemption from restrictions.

He said: “Those receiving a Covid-19 vaccination will be given a credit card-sized NHS Wales immunisation card which will have the vaccine name, date of immunisation and batch number of each of the doses given handwritten on them.

“These will act as a reminder for a second dose and for the type of vaccine, and it will also give information about how to report side effects.”

Published at Mon, 07 Dec 2020 09:09:00 +0000

Covid vaccine card: The Coronavirus card you will have to carry with you at all times


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